List your Farm, Farmers Market, or Food Businesses in the Farm Fresh Atlas™ of Wisconsin.
Click here to apply for a 2025 listing, or to edit an existing listing. PLEASE NOTE that we will not be accepting edits until October 2024. You will need to wait for your Local Foods Coordinator to contact you with a login. If you'd like to join the Atlas and don't have a Local Foods Coordinator yet, contact with any questions!
What is a listing, and how much does it cost?
List in the Atlas to share your story, connect with consumers and showcase your commitment to local food. Each listing includes your contact information, website, and a description of your farm or business. Your listing will be published in the statewide Atlas for the upcoming year, and it will also be published on for one year (updated each February). 100% of your $75 listing fee directly supports the production of our statewide publication.
Testimonials from our listees:
“We get more customers through the Central Wisconsin Atlas than any other place we advertise.”
-Nenn Stuve, Farmer, Grampa Glenn's Certified Organic Strawberries, Humbird, WI
"The Farm Fresh Atlas has made a large difference for our business marketing of our CSA program as well as maple syrup and fruit crops over the past seven editions. From our experiences, the Farm Fresh Atlas has served as the primary point of access to local food for many consumers, restaurants, and schools engaged in purchasing these products."
-Katrina Becker, Farmer, Cattail Organics, Athens, WI
"The Farm Fresh Atlas has been a huge boon for our region and the Oneida Nation’s agricultural projects. We have been Atlas members since 2009 and we've seen our business grow substantially during this time period."
-William Vervoort, Oneida Community Integrated Food Systems Coordinator, Oneida, WI